Refund and Returns Policy
If you wish to cancel your order, please do so as soon as possible. Cancellation must be in writing, by email.
A cancellation fee of 10% applies to all orders once payment has been made, to cover administrative costs. Orders may not be cancelled once they have been dispatched.
Refunds and Returns
Please notify us by phone or email within 7 days of delivery if there is a problem with your order.
If items are missing from your order, we will dispatch them immediately, at no extra cost to you.
If your goods are faulty or incorrect when delivered, we will do one of the following, at our discretion:
- Replace the faulty or incorrect item(s) with the same or equivalent item(s)
- Repair the faulty item(s) at no cost to you
- Refund your money.
All faulty or incorrect items must be returned to us before a refund or a replacement can be issued. Please do not return any goods without first contacting us to discuss the problem and obtain authorisation. When returning goods, please ensure that they are adequately packaged to reduce the risk of being damaged in transit. The purchaser shall be responsible for all postage/freight charges related to the return of the goods if you have chosen incorrectly.
We do not offer refunds or returns if you simply change your mind. Please choose your goods carefully and contact us before ordering if you have any queries.
For full details of our returns & refunds policies, please see our page on General Terms of Business.