Ready to Print Picture Book on CD – Cupcakes and Tea Parties

$19.95 inc. GST


A  picture  book  on CD to print off yourself for the person living with dementia.. Open up the CD on your computer and print off the pdf high quality sequenced photographs related to baking  activities onto thick paper ready for binding to make a book, or for putting into a folder.
Images include – ingredients for making cupcakes; preparing and mixing; decorated cupcakes; little girls having a tea party and step by step images related to making a cup of tea.


  • Short visual stories – not just a collection of themed photos– designed to engage the person in reminiscing and conversation.
  • Ready to Print! At home or at a professional printer from a CD
  • Each CD Title comes with 3 Adobe PDF files: Picture Book, Step-by-step printing instructions with screenshots, and Test Printing. –
  • Once your book is printed, worn or marked pages can easily be replaced.
  • Book can lay flat on table or fold back for storytelling.
  • Replace a damaged page.Printed Book will be: 50 Pages – 25 x A4 sheets (a few blank pages)

Why not complement with a cupcake themed jigsaw puzzle

Item Code: DBCT


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