Fiddle ‘n’ Feel Rummage Box is a box of sensory / manipulative objects of varying textures designed to engage the fidgety person with dementia. Two options – a box of 10 objects or a box of 14. Box is a sturdy blue plastic toolbox style with clip shut latches. Guidelines for usage and care included. All individual items may be purchased separately – click on the contents list items to view individual prices
Please note items may vary depending on availability.
Note: we recommend supervision of the client with this box of activities and should not be used with clients who are at risk of mouthing objects.
Contents: box of 10 – Item code: STBT1
2x Hairy Tangle
Large puffer ring
Galaxy Squeeze Ball
Puffer ball
Squishy Mesh Ball
Squishy shape
Kooshie ball
Contents: box of 14 – Item code: STBT2
All of the above plus
Small puffer ring
Sticky Squishy Orb Ball
Mystery Item (an object that is determined by availability)
Please note items may vary depending on availability.